Old Farm SurgeryHelping You Live Well

Tel: 01803 556403

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Social Prescribing image Social Prescribing

Our Adult Social Prescribers (Hannah and Robbie) can help patients age 18+ struggling with any of the issues;

  • Housing, debt & benefit issues
  • Bereaved & struggling to cope
  • Social needs & interaction - Lonely/isolated/lacking direction in life/low confidence/low self esteem
  • Mental Health – Depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, low mood (to give more direction & purpose in life)
  • Long term health conditions (chronic pain)
  • Low level addiction & recovery (getting focused)
  • Learning or employment opportunities
  • Mental & physical disability opportunities
  • Lifestyle support (losing weight, exercise more, improve mood, live well, move more)
  • Finding a club, activity or group

We also have a specialist Young Person's Social Prescriber called Angie who can help young people age 8-17

What the Social Prescriber will do

They will work with you to explore your individual needs and develop a co-produced plan to help create positive life changes. The personalised support can be delivered over a number of sessions; this will give you the time and confidence to work on the underlying issues which are affecting your overall health and wellbeing.  They will signpost you to services, agencies, groups and organisations that would benefit you, for practical and emotional support.

Click here for an article written by our lead social prescriber Hannah Cayless to find out more about this vital role within the surgery, the tasks they perform, pressures they face and how they look after the health of our community. 

If you feel you could benefit from Social Prescribing, you can self-refer by emailing pbpcn.socialprescribing@nhs.net

YOU MUST INCLUDE; Your registered surgery, your full name, Date of birth and a brief description of what you would like support with and a Social Prescriber will contact you. (By emailing, you consent to being contacted by the Social Prescribing team)